As per art. 11 of its statute, Italcertifer is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of five members appointed by the Assembly of the Associates. The composition of the Board of Directors must ensure the balance between genders in implementation of the applicable legislation, in compliance with the terms set out therein. The directors remain in office for the period to be determined by the Assembly of the Associates - and in any case not exceeding three terms - and are eligible for re-election.

The directors are chosen according to criteria of professionalism and competence among people who have gained an overall experience of at least three years in the following activities and/or roles:

  • administration or control activities or managerial duties in companies;
  • professional or university teaching activities in legal, economic, financial or technical-scientific matters, relating to or otherwise functional to business activities;
  • administrative or managerial functions, in public bodies or public administrations, operating in sectors related to that of the company's business, or in bodies or public administrations that are not related to the aforementioned sectors as long as the functions involve the management of economic and financial resources.

President: Mrs. Antonella AZZARONI

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager: Mr. Carmine ZAPPACOSTA