Testing Authority is the figure required by the ANSFISA (former ANSF) Guidelines for the issue of authorizations for the commissioning of railway vehicles. In carrying out its duties, this figure has the task of coordinating and interfacing with all the subjects involved in various roles in the "in service tests" of railway vehicles.
The tasks of the Testing Authority include those relating to the supervision of compliance with the general test procedures, management of the speed ascent, removal of monitoring, management of access on board, preparation of daily test reports.
Preliminarily to the test campaign, on behalf of the client, the Testing Authority takes care of obtaining the Authorization for In Service Tests (Autorizzazione per le Prove in Linea - APL) from the National Agency for the safety of railways and road and motorway infrastructures (Agenzia nazionale della sicurezza delle ferrovie e delle infrastrutture stradali e autostradali - ANSFISA), collecting and evaluating all the required documentation in a specific dossier.
As a Testing Authority, Italcertifer is able to ensure all aspects connected with the management of in service tests of railway rolling stock in compliance with the deadlines set by the client.
Italcertifer has developed its know-how by carrying out the role of Testing Authority for the main vehicles placed on the Italian railway network.
Italcertifer plays the role of Testing Authority by the power of its recognition as a Designated Body (De.Bo.) for the verification of the notified Italian national rules.