With Regulation (EU) 2013/402, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2015/1136, the European legislator established a set of principles (so-called Common Safety Methods or CSM) that must be adopted for the assessment of the risks associated with any significant change (technical, operational and organizational) within the European railway system.

Commission Regulation 2013/402 introduces the concept of a "Proponent", i.e. an entity responsible for making the change and demonstrating that it is made taking into account all associated risks using the principles of the CSM.

The "Proponent" may be any of the entities operating within the European railway system, such as: Infrastructure Managers, Railway Undertakings Entities in charge of maintenance, Manufacturers acting as APIS (Authorisation for placing into service) applicant.

The activity carried out by the Assessment Body or As.Bo  on behalf of a "Proponent" is called CSM Risk Analysis (CSM-RA).

All new APIS processes with National Safety Agencies, renewal/restructuring and modification processes of already authorized subsystems are subject to the issuance of Risk Analyses and subsequent assessment by an accredited ASBO such as Italcertifer.

Italcertifer is able to offer its clients extensive knowledge of the Risk Analysis process thanks to its multidisciplinary group of experts with expertise in both technical and methodological fields.

Italcertifer, in addition to the Italian accreditation body, is recognized and present in the official database of the European Railway Agency called ERADIS.