The Laboratories of Italcertifer S.p.A. offer a wide range of services in the railway sector thanks to the several years of experience in the sector, the skills and the professionalism of the highly qualified personnel, as well as the techniques and the equipment at their disposal, all in accordance with the national or international reference standards.
This range includes electrical and environmental tests aimed to guarantee a safe operating process, starting from from the homologation process of a vehicle requesting the authorization for placing on the market, up to the daily work of anyone involved in the railway operative environment.
Italcertifer S.p.A. Laboratories have qualified personnel and the necessary instrumentation to perform the following types of tests:
Furthermore, depending on the client's needs, it is possible to carry out investigative/engineering tests to monitor certain electrical quantities on railway vehicles also powered by third rail.
The Laboratories of Italcertifer S.p.A. have the necessary equipment and skills to perform environmental and job safety tests (or Job Safety Analysis, JSA) in the railway sector, in accordance with national and international reference standards. Lab technicians and engineers perform the following tests:
Vibration measurements in accordance with the provisions of the Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008, as well as the ISO 2631-1 and ISO 5349 standards.
Italcertifer Laboratories have measuring instruments compliant with the provisions of the international reference standard. The measuring instrumentation is subject to periodic calibration and is kept under control by the Italcertifer Laboratory through an adequate metrological confirmation process.
Italcertifer S.p.A. Laboratories have the necessary instrumentation to perform electromagnetic compatibility tests on vehicles, systems, and sub-systems in the railway sector, in accordance with the European reference standards. This equipment allows to perform the following tests:
The scope of the activities is to verify that the system under test does not generate and propagate electromagnetic energy capable of interfering with and compromising the correct functioning of other systems located nearby or that could be harmful to the health of the operator during his normal work.
Italcertifer Laboratories have special tools dedicated to each test:
CEI EN 50121-3-1
CEI EN 50592
CEI EN 50500
All the measuring equipment used comply with the provisions of the international reference standard, subject to periodic calibration and are kept under control by the Italcertifer Laboratories through an adequate metrological confirmation process.
Italcertifer S.p.A. Laboratories have the appropriate instruments and skills to perform temperature measurements for determining the thermal performance of electrical and electronic components and the thermal characterization of various elements of railway vehicles.
Combining them, if necessary, with surface pressure measurements to complete the thermal study case with the aerodynamic one.
At the customer's request, components in the long-term stress test phase can be measured and monitored, accurately determining the operating temperature of the sample object of the test moment by moment, in order to guarantee safety in the test and analysis of thermal performance of the tested component.
The temperatures of electrical components can be measured such as:
Specifically, on railway vehicles:
It is possible to carry out thermal characterization through various methods and measuring instruments such as: pyrometers, thermocouples and PT100 platinum resistance thermometers, thermal imaging cameras with the use of multi-channel telemetry for the transmission of signals, when necessary.
Our temperature detection systems allow you to operate in multiple contexts, our vast set of measuring instruments allows you to: