Last update: June 2018

What are cookies

Cookies are small files which store information about users "browsing habits and are sent from websites to users" terminals (computer, tablet etc.)

Cookies allow the user's device to be recognized every time he/she accesses a website. They ensure that the website operates as efficiently as possible, make the user's visit a more valuable experience and supply the website owners with information.

Some cookies are eliminated automatically at the end of the browsing session, while others remain stored on terminals, normally housed in the browser being used (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc).

Current legislation on privacy (Italian Leg. Decree No. 196 dated 30 June 2003), recently amended when the Directives 2009/136/EC and 2009/140/EC were implemented, identifies two categories of cookies:

  • those for which the website manager only needs to provide an information note;
  • those for which an information note is not enough, because the individual user needs to provide their prior consent;

For more information on cookies and privacy you can consult the special leaflet prepared by the Garante della Privacy (Privacy Ombudsman).

How Italcertifer S.p.A. uses cookies

Type of Cookie Use of Cookie Name of Cookie
Cookie Session These are temporary Cookies used to ensure the website works properly, to allow users to personalize our website if they want to, and also to improve usability and performance of the website. Session cookies are removed by the computer when the browser is closed. JSESSIONID
Adobe SiteCatalyst
(Cookies per Web-Analitycs)
Cookies for Web Analytics are used to generate and gather information on how visitors use the website. These are known as proprietary cookies: this means that all the Adobe (Omniture) cookies are considered to belong to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and cannot be read by other websites. They are set and read by a JavaScript code which verifies whether they are enabled.

The information is gathered in an anonymous form and features the number of visitors, the previous page and the pages visited. This information is stored and used by Adobe to create reports on the use of the website. The information note from Adobe about Privacy is available at the following URL: 

Two kinds of cookies are used: session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are removed automatically by the computer when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies have an explicit expiry date and so they remain on the user's computer even when the browser is closed, unless the user removes them personally before the expiry date. Some cookies might be set on one of the following domains: oppure These are used by certain Adobe tools to have anonymous statistics on the number and type of users that visit the website.
persistent cookie: s_vi

session cookies:s_cc 

How to control cookies?

You can control cookies by changing the preferences of the Internet browser that you use. You can accept all cookies, accept just some of them or reject them all. If you decided to block all cookies (including the essential ones), you may find it impossible to gain access to certain areas of the website or use the services they offer.

Disabling Cookies

You can now set all browsers not to accept cookies. However, disabling cookies permanently may cause difficulties in navigation or, sometimes, limit the availability of certain website functions.

Here is a list of the various procedures for disabling cookies according to the most commonly-used browsers. For cookie settings with browsers not included in the list, you will need to refer to help documentation prepared by the browser producer.



Internet Explorer:



For specific information on cookies and how to manage them, you can visit the English website