The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is a flat railway tunnel connecting two countries. It runs for approximately 55 km between Innsbruck (Austria) and Fortezza (Italy). The Brenner Base Tunnel tunel system numbers: Railway tunnel 51 km of 120 km total of the main project, Exploratory tunnel 53 km of 61 km, Other tunnels 41 km of 49 km. Service provided: Independent Checking Engineering (ICE) and E.C. certification for INF, ENE, CCS subsystems.


Design Verification in accordance with the statements of art. 26 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and ss.aa. of the Revised Detailed Design of the High-Speed Hub of Florence.

The Foster and Partners / Arup project for the new High Speed Railway Station in Florence is an architectural excellence at international level. Conceived to offer modern services and improve train travel standards, it is combined with a commercial area. The new station will be integrated with the current Santa Maria Novella station, adjacent to the historic city center, constituting an important intersection node (integrated system Santa Maria Novella-Macelli Belfiore) and interconnectivity with tramway stop, bus stop, short stop, taxi area, multi-storey car park with 608 seats, parking for 580 scooters, access areas for staff, connection to the Regional Train Station.

The underground urban rail link, from Firenze Campo di Marte to Firenze Castello, has about 8 km of connecting line between the node constituted by the new station and the Rome-Florence HS/HC line, has tracks at grade level as the current track platform, in trench 2 tracks, a single-tube tunnel and a series of bypasses inside.

The functional roof allows sunlight to pass, thus illuminating the entire building and is equipped with vents for smoke extraction in a fire along with photovoltaic panels. A multi-storey car park and power station provide a sound insulation from the noise coming from the existing operating railway.

Start of activity 12/30/2020 | End of activity 25/06/2021


Metro Riyadh – ICE – Linea 3 - Al Madinah Al Munnawwarah e Prince Saad Bin Abdulrahman Al Awal Roads. Totale 42 km di linea della metropolitana con più di 20 stazioni (stazioni sotterranee, sopraele elevate e poco profonde) con 2 depositi (est e ovest). Independent Checking Engineering (ICE) per l'intero progetto. Fase di progettazione e fase di costruzione (Built Stage Services) compresa la fase di test e messa in servizio.


Independent Checking Engineering (ICE) of the Line 3 of the Metro Riyadh - Al Madinah Al Munnawwarah and Prince Saad Bin Abdulrahman Al Awal Roads. With a total of 42 km of metro line, more than 20 stations (underground, elevated and shallow underground stations) and 2 depots (east and west). The ICE service has been provided on the entire project including Civil and Electromechanical works. Regarding the project lifecycle, Italcertifer has been involved during all the Design phases, during the Construction phase (Built Stage Services) up to the Test and Commissioning phase.




Design Verification of the Final Design of the extension of the Florence tram system called Line 3.2.1 section Libertà - Bagno a Ripoli (JV Rina check-Italcertifer). Verification activity carried out in accordance with the statements of art. 26 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and subsequent amendments and of the chap. VII of the ANAC Guidelines no. 1 "General guidelines on the award of services relating to architecture and engineering". Line 3 (Lot II) of the Florence tramway consists of 6 single and double track sections on a at grade track in the Municipality of Florence and, in the final part, in the Municipality of Bagno a Ripoli. An important aspect is the inclusion within the particular consolidated historical-urban and environmental context. As regards the civil works, the upgrading of the Giovanni Da Verrazzano bridge and the construction of the Liberty Pedestrian Underpass are relevant.

Start of activity 27/10/2020 | End of activity ongoing


Design Verification of the final design of the intervention "Construction of Line 4 of the Metro of Milan S. Cristoforo-Sforza Policlinico and Sforza Policlinico-Linate". The new L4 underground line connects the Lorenteggio area to the Linate area for a length of 14.2 km and includes 21 stations and 29 buildings. The final design of the stations is globally complex and articulated. The total number of verified drawings and reports was over 500.The signaling systems in the project refer to Automatic Train Control (ATC) based on CBTC driverless technology, which acts as route management (Interlocking), Automatic Train Protection (ATP) which governs train running, Automatic Train Operation (ATO) which governs the automatic operation of the train, Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) which monitors the running of the train so that it remains within the commercial performances.The mechanical, video surveillance and public address systems serve the public areas and the services areas of the Metro.

Start of activity 02/08/2012 | End of activity 28/01/2013


Design Verification service pursuant to art. 26 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 of the final design of the first tram line in Bologna - Red Line (JV Rina check-Italcertifer).The 16.5 km long red line will have 3 terminus and 30 stops, connecting Borgo Panigale to the Agrarian Studies Faculty at Caab, with a further branch from the Fiera to the Michelino car park.The red line route will serve important attractions in the city (SFM station in Borgo Panigale, the Maggiore Hospital, the historic center, the Central Station, the Regional Offices and the Fair area, ...). In the route that will cross the urban centre, the tram does not include the overhead contact line but will be battery powered.The road network and public lighting will have a new structure and the tram system will be integrated with the local urban and extra-urban public transport network in compliance with the cycling routes provided in the Bikeplan. The civil works include the structural upgrading of the bridge over the railway in Borgo and the bridge over the Reno. The project, with a view to environmental sustainability, aims to limit the impact of the line on existing trees and on the parking system.

Start of activity 07/04/2020 | End of activity 08/25/2021


Awarding of 2 Framework Agreements lasting 48 months (RTI Italcertifer-Protos Check) for the execution of Design Verification services pursuant to art. 26 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 of projects works amounts: equal to / greater than 20 million euros (Lot 2 ANAS Nord and Lot 4 ANAS Tirrenica-Calabria), less than 20 million euros (Lot 3 ANAS North-West, Lot 4 ANAS North-East, Lot 5 ANAS Centro, Lot 7 ANAS Tirrenica).

The checks concern all maintenance and restoration works on the road network, civil works (bridges, viaducts, tunnels) and systems supporting the road infrastructure.

Currently verified the interventions in correspondence of:

S.S. 38 of the Stelvio - Tirano junction

S.S. 727 bis - Forlì ring road

S.S. 1 "Aurelia" - Access roads to the port hub of La Spezia

S.S.4 "Salaria" - Infrastructural works for strengthening and functional improvement of the Rieti junctions.

Start of activity 02/08/2018 | End of activity ongoing